Friday, February 19, 2010

Week 3- 5 Finds of Letters

Ok, I had to look at this for a minute before I realized what the "pencil" was spelling (JCD). I love this logo because I would trust these people to come up with something creative for me.

This "logo" isn't so much selling something as it just plain funny. By cropping out the letters to form the heart, your mind is tricked to what the message is.

I like this because it mixes artistry and common letters to make something really cool. Each individual letter is distinct when looking at them, but as a whole it makes a fairly accurate picture of a bison.
In honor of my fiance and his love of terrible music, I added this band's trademark. Because the nails, or spikes, are used to start and end the word, we already get a sense that the band is probably very heavy or harsh. It's actually pretty cool, even though I don't care for their music.

It's funny how our eyes can trick us into seeing two different objects. In this case, there is an "i" visible, but also a zipper. All the designer did was edit and add rectangles.

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