Saturday, March 20, 2010

5 Finds - Bad Typography

During the '08 election season I couldn't put my finger on why the GOP web site was so unappealing, yet the Dem site was so nice to look at. Now I know that the type had a lot to do with it. Where do you even begin on this site? It has a bazillion fonts, point sizes and colors.

Ok, I must admit that I found this on another blog site, and I probably wouldn't have noticed the terrible typography otherwise. The spacing in line two is wack, and then line three has the words crammed together. You would think that the FBI could do a little better, especially since this is shown before EVERY movie.

I found a web site called, and I will never look at the font the same way again. Here is one of the worst examples posted on the site. Not only are the graphics bad, but everything else is crammed and ugly.

I'm not sure if this is a magazine ad or newspaper insert or what, but I can count at least three different fonts that don't really compliment eachother. Zoe's is in this fun font, but everything else is in a serious font with only color to add spunk to it.

This reminds me of a "before" from Cardon Copy. Whoever designed this should have been fired, unless they were color blind or nearly blind.

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